US Returns & Exchange

  1. Can I cancel my order?

    You can cancel your order if it has not already shipped. Please send an email to and include your name and order number to request a cancellation. If your order has shipped, then you may return it for a refund once you receive it.
  2. Can I return my order?

    You can return your order (unopened and unused) up to 30 days after receipt of the item for free store credit or receive a credit back to the original payment source, less a 15% restocking fee. It may take 7 to 10 days for your payment to post to your account. Shipping return products is at your own cost.

To process your return, write us at and please have your order number ready.

      3. Item is defective?

If you believe you’ve received a damaged or defective item, please and be sure to include the following information:

  • - The original order number & your current shipping address
  • - Photographs of the defective or damaged item
  • - Description of the issue

We’ll respond as quickly as possible and do all that we can to right the situation for you.