As Seen On:
Unbelievable New Brain-Training Technology Gives Young Girls A “Head Start” on the Future’s Most In-Demand Job Skills!

FACT: Girls learn differently than boys – because of how the brain works.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills can be EASY for girls – IF they’re taught properly!

SMARTGURLZ” is the first and only training program of its kind that helps girls learn STEM skills – so they can be self-sufficient in adulthood!

Attention: If you have a daughter or granddaughter between the ages of 5-12, this will be the most important message you’ve ever read concerning their future lives in our rapidly changing world.

Dear Parent or Grandparent,

Imagine never having to worry about your daughter’s (or granddaughter’s) future

Imagine her living in a world where she possesses the most in-demand skills that enable her to earn a very good living.

She will have a good quality of life.

Her job? She’ll be happily working in one of the 2.3 million high-tech jobs that are currently going unfilled. She will enjoy STABILITY and GROWTH for the rest of her life.

All because…

YOU gave her the skills she needs – TODAY!

You can finally stop worrying if your loved one will suffer in the future, living a meager existence.

Rather, because of the decision you make today, your daughter or granddaughter will be free to choose a better future for herself and her children – and never be forced into a life she doesn’t want, like so many others.

Wouldn’t that be a nice feeling? And what a wonderful gift to give your daughter or granddaughter, while you still can!!!

I think you can see the life-changing power we’re talking about.

So let me take a moment to introduce you to SmartGurlz – the award-winning “robotic” e-learning platform that teaches your daughter the necessary basics of “STEM” skills.

STEM, of course, stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.

Nowadays, schools and employers are requiring everyone entering the workforce to have a minimum basic proficiency in STEM skills.

However, girls naturally lag behind boys in this area – due to the scientific fact that girls have more “white matter” (best for language and communication) in their brains, and boys have more “grey matter” (best for math).

While boys and girls are equally intelligent, researchers have found significant differences in brain structures – particularly where boys and girls store their neurons. Brain scans show boys simply have more neuro centers in the right hemisphere of their brains, which is devoted to spatial reasoning.

The conclusion? Girls need to be taught differently…

NOT the Same Way as BOYS!

Hi, my name is Sharmi Albrechtsen, and I’m the CEO of SmartGurlz – creators of e-learning games that turn a young girl’s smartphone or tablet into her own private school!

I’m also an expert in Responsive STEM Learning, and I’ve dedicated my career to helping girls become the future of the worldwide technological revolution.

Thankfully, my message is gaining a wide audience of support among world-famous thought leaders. In fact, you may have seen me on ABC’s Shark Tank last November with celebrity investor Sir Richard Branson and a whole cast of the world’s sharpest businesspeople, including Robert Herjavec, Marc Cuban, Lori Grenier, and Daymond John.

Why I Started SmartGurlz

In my career, I’ve conducted evidence-based research where I discovered exactly HOW girls learn best.

Ever since then, I’ve also facilitated hundreds of STEM workshops around the world, where we teach these vital skills to girls. (Over 20,000 girls have been through our workshops!)

Plus, as a mother of two young daughters, I can relate personally to the issues that we parents face.

Research shows that by age 11, girls are losing confidence in math and self-selecting away from STEM.

But now we know that if we can get to the girls before that critical point in their lives, we can rescue them from STEM illiteracy.

They can be mastering the basics of computer science in less than three months, like my own 9-year-old daughter did!

Building self-confidence is the key to getting any child to enjoy learning.

But since all “STEM” training in the past was focused on how BOYS learn and think, GIRLS got left out! They lost self-confidence in these subjects – and they really didn’t have to.

Now science has proven – beyond a doubt – that girls must be taught differently than boys.

The “Solution” is as Easy as 1-2-3!

We designed our "SmartGurlz" program with biological reality in mind.

The result?

Girls are thriving in STEM-related fields because of the training they’ve received from SmartGurlz.

As I mentioned, over 20,000 girls have been through the program. Soon they’ll be entering the workforce at high-paying jobs – proving us RIGHT, all along the way!

What’s Our Secret?

It’s very simple.

Girls need to be taught using the skills they already possess – with things that naturally capture their attention, utilizing tools they’re already familiar with. Even such things as dolls.

Since girls are best at using their memory and sensations, SmartGurlz uses this natural strength to make the connection to learning math and coding.

With our unique understanding of how a young girl’s brain lobes are developing and responding to new material, SmartGurlz is able to guide her to success in math like nothing you’ve ever seen before.

SmartGurlz is the first learning robot and e-learning platform to “bridge the divide” that needlessly stops so many girls from mastering STEM skills.

Rather, we inspire girls to take everyday things they love – yes, including dolls – and “train their brain” to make the transition into the ‘male-dominated’ world of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).

As the late great Steve Jobs of Apple once said…

“Everybody in this country should learn to program, because it teaches you how to think.”

Now we're proud to introduce OUR NEWEST VERSION of our SmartGurlz program for smartphones and tablets.

We invite you to be among the first to give this amazing advantage to your daughter or granddaughter.

It’s the gift that keeps on giving, long into the future. It’s a vital part of your treasured legacy – and it will only cost you the price of a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant.

The important thing is, your daughter will have a “leg up” advantage for the rest of her life if you help her learn these skills today. That alone is priceless.

SmartGurlz helps girls learn – AUTOMATICALLY!

You simply buy the full SmartGurlz pack (which includes her very own doll AND a coding robot!) and install our e-learning program on her smartphone or tablet. Then you sit back and let SmartGurlz go to work!

The software is specially designed to engage your daughter’s brain in the proper way for her to learn.

It doesn’t waste her time on things that aren’t engaging for her. Instead, it makes learning FUN!

The net result is that you’ll save thousands of dollars on STEM tutoring, coding camps, and/or private workshops.

Your daughter will go “from Zero to Coding” within 24 HOURS!

It gives her a “love” for STEM – turning her into a future creator, marketer, or game-maker!

And it’s all because, with SmartGurlz, we made it FUN to LEARN the world’s most “difficult” subjects!

Listen to what Sue H., a mother of several small children, says…

“My kids range in age from almost 3 to 8 and they all have asked to play with it. They see it as a toy, but I’m watching them problem solve and learn beginning coding. So I'm impressed. Definitely a toy I don't mind my kids playing with again and again.”

Also Praised by Forbes Magazine

We created something Forbes magazine now calls…

“The First Drone For Girls – and It’s Disrupting the Toy Industry!"

We’re proud to receive such recognition. And now we’d love to add your daughter’s success story to our growing file of letters we’ve received from the 20,000 students who have been through our workshops.

See why CNN called Smartgurlz

“A cool gadget that teaches the future… helps girls learn how to code.”

And Fox Business News praised Smartgurlz for our unique use of

“Robots and action dolls to encourage young women to become tomorrow’s programmers.”

Even the Huffington Post hinted about how Smartgurlz makes learning FUN for girls.

“They look like typical dolls, but these girls like art and math; chemistry and trendy fashion; hiking and making apps.”

You’ll have to see Smartgurlz in person to understand just what everyone is so excited about!

To get your personal, registered copy of SmartGurlz software, simply click here.

You’ll be taken to an order page with payment instructions. Just follow the prompts after you pay, and SmartGurlz will be automatically downloaded to the devices you select.

The entire SmartGurlz e-learning program normally costs $99 – but we want to make it available to you at an irresistible discount of just $59.

We’re also including the following bonuses so you have no choice but to say “YES!” to SmartGurlz…

We GIVE You $149 Worth of Bonus Reports
On the Latest Scientific Breakthroughs!

We’re adding over $149 worth of amazing bonuses that will help you get the most out of SmartGurlz.

For instance, your first bonus is a special summary of the mind-blowing discoveries recently made by Dr. Abigail James. She reveals useful insights you can use with young daughters to combat math fatigue and gain confidence in technology and STEM.

This report alone is a $29 value – but it’s yours FREE if we hear from you today!

You also get a FREE subscription to our monthly newsletter, where you’ll learn about the latest science behind STEM skill learning, plus great exercises you can use to optimize proficiency.

Each issue is like going to class to learn more about mastering the science of STEM skills.

The newsletter subscription normally costs $19.99 a month. But it’s yours FREE as part of this special one-time promotion!

You even get FREE ongoing technical support. Have questions? Just call us at our Toll-Free Hotline!

Not only that, but we also give you…

A 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

If SmartGurlz doesn’t profoundly impact the young girls in your life who you care about, we don’t think you should pay.

That's why we back up our promises for your first 30 days with an iron-clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee of Satisfaction.

If, in the first 30 days, you find you’re at all dissatisfied, contact us for a full refund of what you paid.

No questions asked, no hard feelings either.

But we’re confident you’ll love what SmartGurlz does for your daughter or granddaughter.

Just like what one customer, J. Taylor reported…

“My granddaughter got it as an early Christmas gift and has been playing and coding non-stop. She is 10 years old and is now talking about coding at school. This is so wonderful!”

In just the first 30 days, you’ll start to see her self-confidence grow stronger, and a new love for STEM topics will spark her imagination for the future.

No other product exists on the market quite like what you get in SmartGurlz. You can’t beat it for transmitting the life-changing STEM skills that will be in HIGHEST-DEMAND in the near future, when they’re needed most.

D. Hunter – another happy customer – says…

“I run a coding camp and having used these professionally. I decided to get one for my 3- and 6-year-old grandchildren. It is a gift that will grow with them as they use their imagination and develop worthwhile programming skills.”

Imagine the Possibilities!

And then go ahead and click here to place your order for the SmartGurlz e-learning package that will come to the rescue of your daughter or granddaughter – and give them a future filled with HOPE!

Remember: They’re depending on you.

Could you possibly let them down?

Yours truly, for our daughters,

Sharmi Albrechtsen
CEO, SmartGurlz

P.S. Listen to what new customer Shandra O has to say…

“This is my first SmartGurlz product and I gotta say it’s amazing. My 8 year old is in love with this thing. She controls it mainly through her iPad Mini. If you can afford two, go ahead and buy them as they can interact, race, and even ‘dance’ with each other!”

Again: To get your personal, registered copy of SmartGurlz software, simply click here.

You’ll be taken to an order page with payment instructions. Just follow the prompts after you pay, and SmartGurlz will be automatically downloaded to the devices you select.

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